Graduate Student Resources

A closeup of a laptop and a nursing text book

Your academic career and success are our main priorities. Here, you will find everything you need to help you succeed, including academic resources, administrative support and student policies. And remember, our faculty and staff are always there to help; just ask.


CLICK HERE to download the SON Graduate Programs Handbook

School of Nursing Graduate Student Policies & Forms

Please see the College of Graduate Studies webpage for all forms related to graduate studies at UBC Okanagan

College of Graduate Studies

Your hub for administrative support and such things as graduate workshops for professional development, COGS can help you with everything from the admissions process through to your graduation.

Go to COGS

UBC Library—Centre for Scholarly Communication

The CSC supports graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, staff, and faculty in disseminating their research. The CSC provides one-on-one consultations and workshops, including writing support for theses, dissertations, journal articles, and grant proposals.


Centre for Teaching and Learning

The Centre for Teaching and Learning provides support related to teaching, TA training, and the use of technology in educational programming. It is also a place to connect with other TAs and subscribe to the TA blog.

Go to CTL

Disability Resource Centre

The Disability Resource Centre is a resource and service centre for students, faculty, and staff that ensures educational equity for those who have a disability, illness, or injury and experience barriers in an educational setting. The DRC assists students by offering programs and advocacy services to foster an accessible and welcoming campus.


Everything Else—Student Services

Didn’t find what you were looking for above? Visit the Student Services website, where all of the information about the services offered to students is housed.

Go to Student Services