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Katrina Plamondon
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing
Phone: 250-807-8681Email: katrina.plamondon@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor. I am currently not accepting new graduate students, but will be again in 2023.

Research Summary
Connecting knowledge with action for health equity; global health; knowledge translation science; critical pedagogy; methods for relational, responsive research; dialogue-based research; arts-informed research; transformational research
Courses & Teaching
KTEA Knowledge to Equity Action Professional Development Course (Winter 2024)
NURS 4429 Advanced Global Health Practice (Fall 2023)
HEAL 307 (Winter 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
CCGHR Knowledge Translation Summer Course (Summer 2020, 2021)
Katrina Plamondon is an Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. She is a mother, artist, sister, and friend—a Canadian woman of Cree, Irish, Quebecois, German, Jewish ancestry whose heartstrings are tied to the Kootenay and Okanagan regions of British Columbia. The stories of her family reflect those of Canada in the twentieth century, of different cultures blending together through marriage and navigating family-level impacts of colonization. These roots influence and shape the work she does, where she leverages her work and position to create opportunities to advance equity in both content and process.
A 2020 Michael Smith Health Research Scholar, her program of research focuses on questions of how to advance equity action. Dr. Plamondon’s clinical foundations are in critical care/emergency and street outreach. She completed a Master of Science in Community Health & Epidemiology in 2006 (University of Saskatchewan) and doctoral studies at the University of British Columbia under a Banting & Best Canada Graduate Scholarship, for which her research extended a decade of research and practice in knowledge translation with a focus on advancing health equity. She works with people across sectors and systems, in a variety of settings, to ask critical questions about the equity implications of their work so they can advance practices and policies that contribute to more equitable futures. She plays a national leadership role in global health. She was the Principal Investigator for the multi-year Gathering Perspectives Studies that led to the creation of the equity-centred CCGHR Principles for Global Health Research (available here), named as a core element of implementing a commitment to equity in CIHR’s Framework for Action on Global Health Research (see details here). She leads national dialogue about equity and Canada’s role in global health research, with a special focus on issues of vaccine equity. Dr. Plamondon sits on Canada’s National Scientific Advisory Committee on Global Health.
PhD University of British Columbia
MSc University of Saskatchewan
BN University of Calgary
Research Interests & Projects
SOLVE (Solutions for Vaccine Equity) Research Project, Learning from Vaccine Nationalism (PI): Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, this project explores issues of ethics, governance, and obligations to equity during the pandemic. Knowledge synthesis will include systematic equity-analysis of ethical frameworks and Canada’s foreign policy trajectory for vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Insights from a series of deliberative dialogue will inform evidence- and equity-informed recommendations for reimagining governance during times of global health crisis.
Advancing Health Equity Action (PI): Funded by Michael Smith Health Research through a Scholar Award, this program of research blends a number of projects together to generate evidence about how to support the integration of evidence-informed principles and strategies across research practices and policy in the field of health equity. Questions focus on understanding the determinants of knowledge use and uptake of principles and strategies for equity action.
Equity Integration in Global Health Research Funding (PI): This CIHR-funded project is exploring the integration of equity considerations in global health research funding, examining both Canadian and international funders for policies and practices that can advance equity.
Experiences of Inclusion (PI): As part of a larger study about methods for arriving at consensus funded through the BC SUPPORT Unit, this dialogue-based and arts-informed study brings people together to develop insights about how people experience feeling included (or not) when they are invited into decision-making or research tables, particularly because of a perspective they bring. Participants in this study self-identify as part of a group that experiences historical and systemic exclusion or -isms.
Community-Led Action Important for Resiliency in Youth (CLARITY) (co-PI): This community-led and youth-engaged study brings people together to explore what community-based factors contribute to creating environments that support youth in their paths toward resiliency. In 2022, CLARITY work focuses on knowledge dissemination, bringing community together in conversation about community-driven resilience. Funding for CLARITY is generously offered through the KGH Foundation, Blenk Family Foundation, and SSHRC.
BC Coalition Institute (co-Lead): This community of practice is working toward synergy and harmony among people interested in issues of climate, equity, and health, funded through a variety of small grants.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Underlined names are trainees.
- Brisbois, B., & Plamondon, K. M. (2024). Learning from the lobster and making space for transformation in planetary health. The Lancet Planetary Health, 8(2), e72-e73.
Plamondon, K., Dixon, J., Bisung, E., Brisbois, B., Curty-Pereira, R., Graham, I., Elliott, S., Nixon, S., Ndube-Eyoh, S., & Shahram, S. Turning the tide on inequity through Systematic Equity Action-Analysis. BMC Public Health, 23(890), 15-pages. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-023-15709-5
Carducci, B., Keats, E.C., Amri, M., Plamondon, K.M., Shoveller, J., Ako, O., Osler, F.G., Henry, C., Pai, N.P., Di Ruggiero, E. Outnumbered, Outranked and Outpaid: Prioritizing Gender Equity and its Intersections in Canadian Global Health Institutions and Partnerships. (In press, 2022). PLOS Global Public Health. https://journals.plos.org/globalpublichealth/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgph.0001105
- Larson, C.P., Plamondon, K.M., Dubent, L., Girard, J.E., Gyorkos, T.W. (2022). The Equity Tool for valuing Global Health Partnerships (EQT-GHP): Mixed methods development of the tool. Global Health: Science and Practice. https://www.ghspjournal.org/content/10/2/e2100316
- Plamondon, K. & Neufeld, V. (2022). Are we there yet? The role of the CCGHR Principles in advancing equity action though global health research in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-022-00624-w
Plamondon K., Brisbois, B., Dubent, L. & Larson, C. (2021). Assessing how global health partnerships function: An equity-informed critical interpretive synthesis. Globalization & Health. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-207571/v1
Labonté, R., Johri, M., Plamondon, K., Murthy, S. (2021). Canada, global vaccine supply, and the TRIPS waiver. Canadian Journal of Public Health (invited editorial). 112, 543-547. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-021-00541-4
Plamondon, K. (2021). Equity at a time of pandemic. Health Promotion International-Special Issue on COVID-19. 2021, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daab034
- Brisbois, B., Feagan, M., Stime, B., Paz, I.K., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Gaibor, J., Cole, D.C., Di Ruggiero, E., Hanson, L., Janes, C.R.,
Plamondon, K.M. , Speigel, J.M. & Yassi, A. (2021). Mining, colonial legacies and neoliberalism: A political ecology of health knowledge. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental & Occupational Health Policy. 31(1), 48-64. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F10482911211001051
- Shahram, S.Z.; Smith, M.L.; Ben-David, S.; Feddersen, M.; Kemp, T.; & Plamondon, K. Promoting a ‘Zest for Life’: A systematic literature review of resiliency factors to prevent youth suicide, 2008-2018. Journal of Youth & Adolescence.
- Plamondon, K., Battersby, L., Black, A.T., Creighton, G., Hoens, A.M., & Young, W. (2020). Connecting knowledge and action in complex health systems. Evidence & Policy. xx(xx): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1332/174426420X15883549951570
- Plamondon, K. (2020). A tool to assess alignment between knowledge and action for health equity. BMC Public Health. (20) Article No. 224. Doi:
- https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-8324-6
- Plamondon, K. (2020). Reimagining researchers in health research. A response to: Bowen S, Botting I, Graham ID, et al. Experience of health leadership in partnering with university-based researchers in Canada – a call to “re-imagine” research. Int J Health Policy Manag. 2019;x(x):x–x. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2019.66
- Plamondon, K., Caxaj, S., Graham, I.D., & Bottorff, J. (2019). Connecting knowledge with action for health equity: A critical interpretive synthesis of promising practices. International Journal for Equity in Health 18(202). doi:10.1186/s12939-019-1108-x
- Plamondon, K. & Bisung, E. (2019). The CCGHR Principles for Global Health Research: Centering equity in research, knowledge translation, and practice. Social Science & Medicine. 239: 5 pages.
- Plamondon, K., Bottorff, J.L., Caxaj, C.S. & Graham, I. (2018). The Integration of Evidence from the Commission on Social Determinants of Health in the field of Health Equity: A scoping review. Critical Public Health: 14 pages. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/09581596.2018.1551613
- Plamondon, K. M., & Caxaj, C. S. (2018). Toward relational practices for enabling knowledge-to-action in health systems: The example of deliberative dialogue. Advances in Nursing Science. 41(1): 12 pages.
- Brisbois, B. & Plamondon, K. (2018). The possible worlds of global health research: A discourse analysis of normative documents. Social Science & Medicine. 196(Supp C): 142-149.
- Plamondon, K., Walters, D., Campbell, S., & Hatfield, J. (2017). Promoting equitable global health research: A policy analysis of the Canadian funding landscape. Health Research Systems & Policy. 15(72): 14 pages.
- Plamondon, K. M., Bottorff, J. L., & Cole, D. C. (2015). Analyzing data generated through deliberative dialogue: Bringing knowledge translation into qualitative analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 25(11):1529-39.doi: 1049732315581603.
Selected Grants & Awards
(2024-2027) CIHR Project Grant (Co-PIs Susan Elliott, Elijah Biasing, Élyseé Nouvet) “Advancing research excellence, building capacity, and mobilizing knowledge for equity in Canada’s global health research ecosystem”
(2022-2024) IDRC WomenRise Grant (PIs Susan Elliott, Canada; Diana Karanja, Kenya) “Women Rise Across the LifeCourse”
(2021-2022) CIHR Special COVID-19 Operating Grant “Learning from Vaccine Nationalism: Advancing ethically-coherent policy action for equitable responses to inherently global health crises”
(2021-2022) SSHRC Connection Grant “Gaining CLARITY in the prevention of youth suicide: from pilot to partnership”
(2020-2021) CIHR Project Grant “Toward Equity- and Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice in Global Health Research”
(2020-2021) UBC Aspire-2040 Learning Transformations Grant “Committing to a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion: Building a pathway towards the development of culturally competent BSN prepared nurses”
(2020-2025) MSHR Scholar Award “Advancing Health Equity Action”
(2014-2019) Frederick Banting & Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship “Knowledge Translation in Global Health”
(2019-2021)* CIHR Planning & Dissemination Grant “Scaling up Principles for Equity-Centred Global Health Research”
(2019-2021)* MSFHR C2 Grant “Setting Research Priorities for Rural Health in British Columbia”
(2018-2021)* BC SUPPORT Unit Methods Cluster Grant “KT Methods Cluster: Studying consensus methods in integrated knowledge translation to promote patient-oriented research”
(2018-2020) Canadian Partnership for Women & Children’s Health-Canadian Collaborative for Global Health Initiative “Harmonized Health Impact & Partnership Metrics to Accelerate Knowledge Sharing and Utilization”
*Timelines extended due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Scientific Advisor, Canada’s National Scientific Advisory Committee for Global Health
Network Member, Integrated Knowledge Translation Network
Selected media engagements:
Plamondon, K., Valverde, M., & Elliott, S. (2022, July). Canada is foolish to snub international graduate students and scholars [Op-ed]. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/canada-is-foolish-to-snub-international-graduate-students-and-scholars-184366
Shahram, S., & Plamondon, K. (2022). Democracy is a team sport: What the Olympics can teach us about politics. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/democracy-is-a-team-sport-what-the-olympics-can-teach-us-about-politics-177046
CAGH (Sep 2021). Open letter to the Government of Canada: Vaccine equity and booster shots. Lead writer: https://cagh-acsm.org/sites/default/files/resources/2021/09/open_letter-vaccine_equity_and_boosters-7_sep_2021.pdf
CCGHR (March 2021). Open letter to the Government of Canada: Equitable access to COVID-19 vaccine. Lead writer: https://cagh-acsm.org/en/ressources/calls-action
CCGHR (December 2020). Open letter to the Government of Canada: Canada, COVID-19, and Development Countries. Lead writer: https://cagh-acsm.org/en/ressources/calls-action
Story 14 May 2020 “A drive for relational and community-connected work leads UBC Okanagan professor on a path towards health equity” https://ourstories.ok.ubc.ca/stories/katrina-plamondon/
Press Release 15 May 2020 “The COVID-19 outbreak creates a clear image of unbalanced, unfair societies” https://news.ok.ubc.ca/2020/05/15/ubco-researcher-says-equity-is-key-to-global-health/
Op-Ed 27 September 2020 “Canada’s ‘me first’ COVID-19vaccine strategy may come at the cost of global health”https://theconversation.com/canadas-me-first-covid-19-vaccine-strategy-may-come-at-the-cost-of-global-health-146908
Press Release 7 December 2020 “As COVID-19 vaccines roll out, UBCO researcher calls for a level playing field globally” https://news.ok.ubc.ca/2020/12/07/as-covid-19-vaccines-role-out-ubco-researcher-calls-for-a-level-playing-field-globally/
Interview 11 December 2020 “Federal health minister says Canada can’t stop private COVID-19 vaccine purchases directly from manufacturers” https://bc.ctvnews.ca/federal-health-minster-says-canada-can-t-stop-private-covid-19-vaccine-purchases-directly-from-manufacturers-1.5228451