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School of Nursing
Faculty of Health and Social Development 

ART360 (ARTS Building)
1147 Research Road
Kelowna, BC Canada V1V 1V7

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April Ambler | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing |
Tannis Andersen, MSN | Adjunct Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | 250.469.7070 (ext. 13896) | Remote
Research Interests: • Primary Care • Knowledge Translation
Courses & Teaching: • NRSG 424/425 Primary Care Nursing
Christine Balfour | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing | | 12503062510 | ART 148
Research Interests: Strong interest in community health, adolescent sexual health, teaching and learning
Courses & Teaching: Team Lead for UBC SON Year 2: Community & Mental Health Nursing Nursing 111 - Foundation of Health Nursing 228 - Community Health Nursing 238 - Community Health in Practice Nursing 428 - Advanced Community Health
Supreet Kour Bali (On Leave) | School Assistant | School of Nursing | | 250-807-8160 | ART 360
Jessica Barker | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Julianne Barry | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | School of Nursing | | 250.807.8742 | RHS 117
Janice Bell | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Joan L. Bottorff, PhD, RN | Professor | School of Nursing | | 250.317.0810 | Arts 153
Research Interests: Health promotion, health behaviour change, healthy lifestyles, community health, gender influences, cancer prevention, smoking cessation, harm reduction, men's health, family health, knowledge translation
Courses & Teaching: Qualitative research, research methods, nursing theory
Sandra Broughton, MSc | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Bradley Buie | Manager, Communications and Engagement | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, School of Nursing, Social Work | | ARTS 360C
Sarah Ann Camacho | Lecturer | School of Nursing |
Rishma Chooniedass | Assistant Professor of Teaching | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | ART 341

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Maternal and child health; food allergy and anaphylaxis; equity and social justice
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 120 Introduction to Nursing Research NRSG 126 Health and Healing I NRSG 136 Nursing Practice I NRSG 313 Relational Practice (Connecting Across Difference) HINT 320 Global Health NRSG 338 Nursing Practice with Childbearing Families NRSG 339 Nursing Practice in Child Health
Jasmine Clark, MSN, RN | Nursing Practice Placement Coordinator | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | 250.807.9976 | ART333
Jeannine Costigan | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Corinne Crocket | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Leah Dawe, MSN | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing | | 250-807-9248 | CCS 251
Nicole de Bosch Kemper, RN, MSN, CCNE | Associate Professor of Teaching | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | ART 146
Courses & Teaching: Chair of the School of Nursing Program Evaluation Committee Courses taught include NRSG 329_O and 339_O: Child Health (theory and clinical practice), NRSG_O 112: Introduction to the Profession of Nursing Part 1, NRSG_O 122: Introduction to the Profession of Nursing Part 2, NRSG_O 140: LPN Access to the BSN Program, HINT_O 320 Global Health, NRSG_O 431/434: Nursing Preceptorship
Jacqueline Denison, MSN RN | Associate Professor of Teaching | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | ART 339
Research Interests: Health Equity and cultural safety; Nursing education; curriculum innovation
Courses & Teaching: Jackie has taught across all years of the BSN program with interests in professional practice, relational practice, maternal-child health and leadership. Recently taught courses: Nursing 112: Professional Practice I Nursing 126: Health and Healing I Nursing 432: Capstone Community Project
Kathryn Douglas-Campbell | Projects and Administration Coordinator | Faculty of Health and Social Development |
Linda Drew, RN, BSN | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing | | CCS252
Colleen duManoir, MSN, RN, CCNE | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing | | 250.215.3809 | CCS 251
Jonathan Durynek | Faculty Administrator | Faculty of Health and Social Development | | ARTS 360F
Michelle Earl | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing |
Sheila Epp | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing | | 250-807-9975

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Curriculum Development; Pedagogy; New Graduate Transition
Courses & Teaching: She has taught in multiple areas across the undergraduate program. Most recently her teaching has included: NRSG 422 Leadership NRSG 431 Capstone Acute Care Preceptorship NRSG 434 Practice Electives NRSG 439 Global Health Practicum
Marion Fauth | School Assistant | School of Nursing | | 250-807-8180 | CCS Building | Room 253
Clare Harvey, PhD | Director | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | ART 340
Carla Hilario | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | UBCO Landmark Offices

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Health equity; youth mental health; community resilience; implementation science.
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 502 - Research and Inquiry for Evidence-Based Nursing and Healthcare (Spring 2023)
Norma Hilsmann, DNP, MSN, BSN, RN | Lecturer | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | 250.807.9961 | Arts 147

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: nursing educational leadership; integration of evidence-based practice in nursing; technology in nursing education; digital healthcare; research dissemination and knowledge translation (KT); microlearning and nanolearning; generational learning styles; professional development/continuing education; student evaluations; upward bullying; pharmacology in nursing; primary care nursing; rural nursing.
Courses & Teaching: N210, N220 - Pharmacology I and II N236, N237, N336, N337 - 2nd and 3rd year Medical and Surgical Clinicals N431/434 - Preceptorship N432 - Group Leadership Capstone Project Seminar N421- Acute Care NCLEX preparation N597 - MSN Capstone Projects
Brenda Huber | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing | | 250-718-3327 | CCS 251
Dennis Jasper | Lecturer | School of Nursing |
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 229 Mental Health in Nursing NRSG 239 Mental Health Clinical Practice NSRG 313 Relational Practice V NRSG 427 Advanced Mental Health (elective)
Amielya Keast | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing |
Lindsay Kennedy | Associate Professor of Teaching | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | 250.807.9710 | A132

Graduate student supervisor

Courses & Teaching: NRSG 423: Advanced Clinical Reasoning for Care of the Complex Client NRSG 126: Health and Healing I Clinical practice Year 2, 3 and 4
Elizabeth Keys, PhD | Assistant Professor | School of Nursing |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Pediatric sleep; Parent-child interactions; Infant and parental mental health; eHealth and precision health; Community engagement; Community and public health nursing; Mixed methods; Knowledge synthesis; Integrated knowledge translation and implementation science
Mary Kjorven, PhD | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Research Interests: Mitigating the risk of hospitalization on older adults, autoethnography as methodology and method, risk, discourse analysis, community health workers engagement and education.
Courses & Teaching: Mary serves as a graduate supervisor and field guide for graduate students interested in clinical nurse specialist advanced practice roles specifically focused on older adults. She has also served as a sessional instructor for the Faculty of Health and Social Development.
Andrea Knox, MSN | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing | | 250.258.4928 | Remote
Muriel Kranabetter | Associate Professor | School of Nursing | | ART 131
Courses & Teaching: Relational Practice, Community Practice, Capstone Projects, Global Health
Donna Kurtz, PhD | Associate Professor Emeritus | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing |
Research Interests: Indigenous Health and Wellness Traditional and Western; Decolonizing Strength-based Approaches; Qualitative research; Cultural Safety education and practice
Jessica Lewis | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing |
Megan Lindner | Graduate Program Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development | | 250-807-8189 | ART 331
Michelle Majeran | Research Finance Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, School of Nursing, Social Work |
Patricia Marck | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Chris Marriott | School Graduate Assistant | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | Art 331
Natalie Matthews | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing |
Laura Mercer | Lecturer | School of Nursing | | 250-807-8487 (Office), 250-801-5167 (Cell) | Art 132
Courses & Teaching: Has taught in all 4 years of the nursing program. More recently has been teaching health and healing lectures in years 1 and 4. Team Lead for year 1 students, member of the FHSD EDI Committee and is active with other committees within the school of nursing. Supports students and clinical instructors in the acute care practice setting.
Samantha Molter | Landmark Office Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development |
Diana Monk | Clinical Assistant | School of Nursing |
Lisa Moralejo, MSN RN | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing | | 250-807-9956 | ART 132
Research Interests: Nursing Curriculum; Technology in Education; Clinical Reasoning
Courses & Teaching: Global Health, Advanced Clinical Reasoning, Leadership Practice, Clinical Preceptorship
Jennifer Morrison | School of Nursing - School Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | ART360
Nelly Oelke | Associate Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | 250.807.9880 | RHS 118

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Integrated health systems and services delivery; primary health care; mental health; rural health; climate change and climate change events and mental health; integrated knowledge translation and implementation science.
Courses & Teaching: NURS 505 Healthcare Policy NURS 597 Capstone Course NURS 581 Leadership in Knowledge Application and Translation
Bobbi-Jo Oliver, BSN, RN | Nursing Practice Placement Coordinator/ Clinical Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | ART 333
Lise Olsen | Associate Professor | School of Nursing | | 250-807-9180 | ART 164

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: child and family health promotion; inclusive recreation participation; safety and injury prevention; child development; well-being for children with neuro-developmental disabilities; community-based initiatives; online programs
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 507 - Quantitative Methods; NRSG 597 - Healthcare Capstone Practicum; NRSG 428/528 - Advanced Community Health Nursing
Karin Olson, PhD | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing | | 780-935-1186 | Remote
Research Interests: health behaviour; symptom management; evidence based clinical practice; shared decision making; qualitative research methods
Courses & Teaching: Nursing 554
Natalia Peñuela Gallo | Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, School of Nursing, Social Work | | ART345
Research Interests:
Barbara Pesut, PhD | Professor | School of Nursing | | 250-807-9955 | ASC 287

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Palliative and end-of-life care; Medical Assistance in Dying; volunteer and peer navigation models; nursing philosophy
Courses & Teaching: Nursing 580: Philosophy of Nursing Science
Katrina Plamondon | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | 250-807-8681

Graduate student supervisor. I am currently not accepting new graduate students, but will be again in 2023.

Research Interests: Connecting knowledge with action for health equity; global health; knowledge translation science; critical pedagogy; methods for relational, responsive research; dialogue-based research; arts-informed research; transformational research
Courses & Teaching: KTEA Knowledge to Equity Action Professional Development Course (Winter 2024) NURS 4429 Advanced Global Health Practice (Fall 2023) HEAL 307 (Winter 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) CCGHR Knowledge Translation Summer Course (Summer 2020, 2021)
Manuela Reekie | Professor of Teaching | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | ART 342

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Curriculum Development; Nursing Education; Clinical Speciality Practice Learning Pathways
Courses & Teaching: Has taught across all four years of the BSN program. Has also taught in the MSN program. Most recently developed and taught NRSG 310: Palliative Approach to Chronic Illness.
Cathy Robinson | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing | | ART177
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 522 NRSG 523 NRSG 329 NRSG 339
Carole Robinson | Professor Emeritus | School of Nursing |
Charlene Esteban Ronquillo | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Health informatics; nursing; health equity; implementation science
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 504 - Finding and Integrating Knowledge for Evidence-Informed Practice (Spring 2022, 2024)
Kathy Rush | Professor | School of Nursing | | 250.807.9561 | ART150

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: atrial fibrillation; rural cardiac service delivery; rural health equity, telehealth; aging; new graduate nurse transition
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 542: Introduction to Leadership and Management
Jodi Ryan | Assistant to the Director | School of Nursing | | Cell: 250.469.4245 | ART 335
Michael Sandler | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing | | 604.313.6768 | Virtual
Research Interests: transformational leadership operational leadership change management in complex environments program development regional and provincial policy development political advocacy
Courses & Teaching: Nursing - Policy and Regulation
Sana Shahram, PhD, MPH | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention (IHLCDP), School of Nursing |

Graduate student supervisor. Use 'contact us' section of website to submit interest in joining the lab (no emails pls).

Research Interests: Health Equity; Critical Population Health; Health Systems Transformation; Anti-colonial & anti-racist public health systems; Public Health; Mental Health and Substance Use; Maternal & Child Health; Complex Systems Change; Community- & Indigenous Nation- Led Research
Morgan Straza | Clinical Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | CCS 251
Laura Struik | Assistant Professor | School of Nursing | | 2508079972

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Nicotine dependence; cancer prevention; tobacco control; youth and young adults; health promotion and gender-sensitive approaches; behavior change using digital technologies
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 500: Nursing Knowledge NRSG 597: Capstone Practicum Course
Charlene Strumpel | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing | | 250.807.8173 | ART 167
Courses & Teaching: I primarily teach in the acute care portion of the second year of the BSN program, in which students are introduced to the fundamentals of caring for clients in a medical or surgical setting. I generally teach: NRSG 226 Health and Healing II NRSG 227 Health and Healing III These two theory courses focus on evidence-informed assessment and management of health challenges. I also teach some sections of: NRSG 236 Nursing Practice II NRSG 237 Nursing Practice III These practice courses utilize an Intentional Learning framework to support students to integrate knowledge, skills, and abilities in the clinical practice setting.
Marie Tarrant, RN, MPH, PhD | Dean | Faculty of Health and Social Development | | 250-807-9297 | ARTS 360

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Maternal and Child Health; Breastfeeding; Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative; Maternal and Childhood Vaccine Uptake; Influenza Vaccine
Courses & Teaching: Doctoral Seminar NRSG 601
Bonny Taylor | Associate Professor of Teaching | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing | | 250.807.9973 | ART 343
Research Interests: Geriatric nursing Emergency nursing Experience of emergency nursing caring for geriatric patients Theory-practice gap in nursing education
Courses & Teaching: Health and Healing in 3rd and 4th year Nursing 336- clinical practice in a medical setting Nursing 337- clinical practice in a srugical setting
Deanne Taylor, PhD | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Research Interests: Current areas of research include discovering resident/patient experience, care-giving, family, health and aging, policy, regulations, and the intersection between worker characteristics and workplace conditions and the influences on the conditions of care.
Courses & Teaching: Dr. Taylor has presented at numerous times at local, provincial, national and international conferences and scientific meetings in sociology, gerontology, and health care. She is a co-investigator, collaborator, and knowledge user/decision-maker on a several research projects that range from regional, provincial, national, and international levels.
Anita Verhun | Research Finance Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, School of Nursing, Social Work |
Jeanette Vinek | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing |
Nicola Waters, PhD | Adjunct Professor | School of Nursing |
Research Interests: The social organization of health work at the interface of technology and humanity. Wound care, pressure injury
Courses & Teaching: NRSG 597 Qualitative Research NRSG 597 Healthcare Capstone Practicum NRSG 428/528 Advanced Community Health Nursing NRSG 122 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing II
Maggie Weninger, RN, MSN, CCCI | Lecturer | School of Nursing | | ART 136
Courses & Teaching: Relational Practice, Health & Healing, Acute Clinical Reasoning, Child Health, Clinical Practice Experience
Melanie Willson | Assistant Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing | | 250-807-8468 | ART 337
Research Interests: Active learning; perinatal and childbearing families health; lactation; clinical education; remediation in clinical practice.
Courses & Teaching: Recent courses: NRSG 228: Community Health NRSG 320: Global Health NRSG 328: Childbearing Families Health NRSG 439: Global Health Practicum (Rural & Remote) NRSG 597: Healthcare Capstone Practicum
Ryan Wilson, PhD | Assistant Professor of Teaching | School of Nursing | | ART 160

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Dr. Wilson's research is focused on two areas of Self-Care in Atrial Fibrillation: 1) Before diagnosis-To build capacity among adults to perceive, evaluate and respond to their symptoms leading to early treatment-seeking and care; 2) Post Diagnosis-To enhancing patients' self-care and management of their AF and its related symptoms following an AF diagnosis. Cardiovascular diseases; Health Promotion; Patient‐Oriented Research; AF Self-Care and Education; Primary Care, Diagnosis Medical; Aging
Courses & Teaching: Nursing 326: Health and Healing III- Evidence-informed assessment and management of complex health challenges in both episodic and chronic illness utilizing a case study approach. Nursing 421: Complex Health Challenges / Capstone Course- This course is designed to prepare fourth year nursing students for the NCLEX examination and transition into the new graduate nursing role.